FAQ's on Powerflushing

Powerfulishing is one of our most important services, and the customers we carry it out for always comment on what a difference it has made to their central heating system. Yet we know that for many people, the details of powerflushing and what it does aren’t clear. We’ve therefore written the following guide to explain powerflushing in simple terms so that you can decide whether or not it’s necessary for your home.  

What is Powerflushing?

Powerflushing is the complete cleaning out of your entire central heating system, making it perform better and work for longer. The boiler, pipes and radiators in your central heating system produce a build-up of sludge, debris and rust over time, which becomes stuck and affects performance. Powerflushing is the answer to this, offering better performance and saving you money from future costly repairs that can arise from not dealing with debris. 

A powerflush is done by injecting water at high velocity through the whole central heating system. Doing this effectively shifts and removes sludge and debris, even the most stubborn stuff. Once it’s complete, your heating system will be back to full health and you’ll see an improved performance.

How often should I get my system powerflushed?

We recommend a powerflush only every 5 to 6 years. While a build-up of debris and sludge is bad for your system, it accumulates gradually over time, so a powerflush more regularly isn’t usually necessary.  

How do I know if my system needs powerflushing?

There are a few signs to watch out for like cold spots on your radiators or them being slow to heat up, a little dark, sludge-like water coming from your heating system, strange noises coming from your boiler and being able to stick a magnet to the copper pipework which runs from the boiler

Who should carry out a powerflush?

Only someone who is Gas Safe registered, as they have the experience and the qualifications needed to undertake specialist work on your central heating system. Someone without this registration should not work with boilers or any other part of a gas central heating system. 

Offering powerflushing services in Essex

Our Gas Safe registered team offer powerflushing throughout North Weald, Ongar, Theydon Bois, Epping, Hoddesdon and Broxbourne and are known by our local customers as a reliable, trusted team. 

We welcome all powerflushing enquiries - whether you have additional questions more or wish to arrange a quote. You can contact us: By telephone on 07920875189 or by email at dave@dagas.co.uk or via the contact form right here on our website.